Belly obesity is a popular problem that bothers men. What causes it and how can it be solved?

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One of the health problems for men that if left untreated will become more dangerous is abdominal obesity because it indicates a condition in which the body has accumulated too much fat. until it became a large amount of fat in the abdominal area which is at risk of Metabolic Syndrome that can cause complications of various serious diseases more easily than the general โปรโมชั่น ufabet public who does not have a belly fat

Belly obesity is a popular problem that bothers men. What causes it and how can it be solved?

Causes of obesity problems

Causes of abdominal obesity problems in men Factors come from abnormalities in the metabolic system. that cannot function properly As a result, it causes the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area to increase more and more, causing the levels of fat, sugar, and blood pressure to increase gradually and may cause complications of various serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. This is most often caused by the following factors.

  • Insulin resistance caused by obesity This may result in Type 2 diabetes.
  • If there is a family member who is obese Will have the right to affect the genetics of the offspring as well.
  • People with cardiovascular disease and heart disease
  • People suffering from fatty liver disease
  • Eating a diet that emphasizes high-energy foods beyond necessity and without proper exercise
  • Have little exercise behavior Or not at all causing the body to lack care
  • There is a problem with smoking. and drinking alcoholic beverages regularly
  • Use of psychiatric drugs Medicines for people with type 2 diabetes, steroids, and anticonvulsants, etc.
  • Caused by problems with diseases in the endocrine group such as thyroid disease, low thyroid hormones. and Cushing’s group of diseases, etc.

How to solve the problem Belly in men, what to do?

If you want to treat the problem of abdominal obesity A good place to start is to lose 5% of your body weight first. Then use the following health care methods.

  • Begin by exercising 30 minutes a day, continuing every day a week.
  • During working hours there should be constant movement. Shouldn’t stop Or sit and work in one place for too long.
  • Adjust your diet to reduce sugar, fat, and carbohydrates. that is of no benefit to the body Then add protein Fiber from vegetables and fruits Including food in the cereal group
  • Limit the amount of food at each meal. There’s only half left.
  • Choose a method to tighten your body. and lose weight to reduce belly with exercise Avoid using diet pills that may directly affect your health.

When I began to realize that I had entered a state of abdominal obesity. You shouldn’t be complacent. The most important thing to do is to turn around and take care of your health. Exercise regularly Eat nutritious food Health check every year To get you back in shape and more healthy and strong